English below – Anglická skupina Amnesty International ČR (AI ESG) ve spolupráci s ISM ČR si vás dovolují pozvat na debatu s bývalou mediální koordinátorkou ISM Palestine (palsolidarity.org), která se koná ve čtvrtek 12. června od 19:15 v kanceláři Amnesty International ČR (Provaznická 3, Praha 1). Tématy bude práce lidskoprávních skupin s médii, zkušenosti z Palestiny a kulturní a akademický bojkot Izrale v USA, odkud debatérka pochází. Pozvánka na facebooku, děkujeme za šíření dále.
Vstup zdarma, pracovní jazyk angličtina.
Podrobnosti v angličtině / Details in English:
On Thursday, June 12th, Amnesty ESG together with ISM Czech Republic will be hosting a Jewish-American volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) in Palestine. She spent a year living in the West Bank. Her experience included living with an East Jerusalem family under threat of eviction, accompanying farmers during olive harvest, and deterring settler violence in Nablus and Hebron.
Sasha will be talking about her experiences in Palestine and how her work as a media coordinator for the ISM, discussing how using media can help to promote the cause of human rights, a topic very relevant to Amnesty’s work in this age, as well as discussing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. This would be a great talk for anyone interested in human rights, the media and/or Palestine.
Sasha is a long-time organizer who is on the organizing committee of the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. She is also active in the Palestine solidarity student movement and the struggle for housing rights in Washington D.C.
- DETAILS: This event is open to the public. Admission is free, though donations are always welcome and will go towards the activities of the ESG group
- ADDRESS: Amnesty Office, Provaznicka 3, 2 Patro (Mustek behind the New Yorker)
- TIME: Thursday, May June 12, 2013 at 19:15-20:45
About Amnesty International ESG
Amnesty International’s English Speaking Group (ESG) is one of the Czech Republic’s most active all-volunteer groups working on human rights initiatives. Every year the group participates in hundreds of global letter-writing campaigns, helping champion the rights of persecuted people around the world. In addition, we try to engage the English speaking community in Prague through outreach, documentary screenings, discussions, and more.
Our meetings are open to anyone and everyone, every Thursday night any time between 19:15 and 20:45 at the Amnesty office by Můstek, Provaznická 3.
For more information, join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/amnestyesg/
About International Solidarity Movement (ISM)
International Solidarity Movement (ISM) was founded in Palestine in 2001 by a group of Palestinian and Israeli activists with the goal to support and strengthen the non-violent movement of Palestinians against the Israeli occupation. In the Czech Republic, ISM has been active since 2007. Among the ISM CR members are activists who have spent some time in Palestine and/or have an interest in the question of Palestine. Among the activities of the Czech group are organizing lectures, film screenings, information campaigns, petition stands as well as demonstrations to express solidarity with the people of Palestine.
ISM CR is part of the European Coordination Committee for Palestine (ECCP) based in Brussels which has around 50 organizations and initiatives in Europe. ECCP members spoke recently at the European Parliament in a panel debate on EU trading with illegal Israeli settlements.