Pozvánka na konferenci v EP: Palestina 65 let od Nakby, hledání spravedlivého míru, 15. května, Brusel

Dovolujeme si vás upozornit na zajímavou konferenci k výročí Nakby (palestinské katastrofy z roku 1948) pod názvem “Palestine 65 years after the Nakba: Finding the way for a just peace”, která se koná 15. května v Bruselu. Z Prahy bude již v sobotu 11. května vypraveno auto. Máte-li zájem o dopravu a podrobnější informace, ozvěte se co nejdříve na tel. číslo: 603 369 574.

15. května 2013 od 14.00–16.00
Evropský parlament, ASP A3G-2, Brusel
pro vstup do EP nutno potvrdit účast do 9. května na email: james.tuite@thecepr.org

Podrobné informace v angličtině dole.


Palestine 65 years after the Nakba: Finding the way for a just peace

Date and Time: 15th May 2013, 14.00-16.00
Place: European Parliament, ASP A3G-2
Panel Chair: David Martin, MEP

You are warmly invited to take part in a conference commemorating the 65th anniversary of the Nakba and to discuss the future of the Middle-East peace process.

The Nakba, or “Day of Catastrophe”, refers to the 700,000 Palestinians who were expelled or fled from their homes in 1948.

The recognition of this exodus, and the consequences experienced by 7 million Palestinian refugees today, is essential for the Middle-East peace process to move forward.

Key topics:

  • Palestinian refugees outside Israel
  • The treatment of the Arab Minority living with Israeli citizenship
  • The role of the EU in the Peace Process and the viability of the two state solution

This conference is organised by the Euro-Palestine Working Group, in partnership with the Council for European Palestinian Relations.

Anyone needing access to the European Parliament for this event can register by sending an email to james.tuite@thecepr.org by Thursday 9th May. Please include your name, passport or ID number, and nationality.

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